Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Final Countdown

Okay, so we slept through too much of the train ride and planned ahead well enough to really have anything that funny happen. But I did remember a few things I meant to write about earlier, so I'll make up for it now.

Sometimes Dreams Come True
Friday night, I had this dream that Ross--the Pageant's instrumental music director in charge of the dance band and a bunch of other stuff--was clogging. In my dream, I grabbed Natalie and pointed out his clogging since I knew she'd appreciate it as a clogger herself. So, Saturday morning, I told Natalie about this dream. Then, that night, I was playing in the dance band, and Natalie was dancing. . . when all of a sudden, Ross starts clogging to our music! Natalie and I both saw and immediately made eye contact. We couldn't believe that my dream was coming true!

Cheesy Directors' Comments
While I know that our directors are very sincere in their love for us, sometimes their compliments are a little over-the-top. I can't remember all of them, but one night, our associate director said that the previous night's performance brought a phrase to his mind: "sing unto me a new song" -- our performance was "new," "fresh," and "energetic," apparantly. But who just uses a phrase like that to describe a performance?

A few nights later, he made up a short poem:
Wacthing you last night
Was such a delight

I know, it even rhymed. And it was completely off the cuff. And, as he pointed out, he has short cuffs.

My Physiological Morphing
I'll be surprised if you guys even recognize me once I'm home, because I've apparantly undergone some weird physical changes on this trip. For instance, I've developed freckly hands and arms. Especially hands. It's really weird. Also, my eyes changed color. They've always been green (or so I thought), but on this trip I had a couple different people comment on my blue eyes! I was so confused, so I looked in the mirror and saw that they were mostly right: my eyes are changing color (although I'm still convinced I see a lot of green. . . maybe just wishful thinking)!

Well, it's great to be home. The train ride home was a million times better than the one out there -- due partly to our company, the fact that we knew the people sitting by us, and that we had planned ahead better for what to bring. Also, a big reason was that we arrive in SLC two hours early, which was a huge blessing! Anyway, I can't wait to see you all, and I hope you've all had a blast!

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